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Zimbabwe starves because they are picky eaters

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So says Robert Mugabe in a recent interview. Yes, starting people starve because they don't want to disrupt their delicate palates. Sure, the primary food in southern Africa in many areas is corn (mealy-meal) but that also has a lot to do with cost and traditional availability. Mugabe is trying to suggest that the people starving because they won't eat rice or potatoes but this claim is so nuts, it could only come from him. This ranks right up there with his decree that forced all Zim weather reports to go through his office because he viewed them as a matter of national security. Heaven forbid the people were to hear the actual reports that said no rain was coming because who knows what might happen.

It's a shame that the West has done so little for the suffering in Zimbabwe and it doesn't say much when fellow African nations let this thug starve so many of his own people and destroy a country.

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