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Yet, in spite of Drownie's and Chertoff's incompetence, Bush still has them on staff

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Joe's post below is telling, and horrifying, in that it took Bush 8 days to do anything about Drownie's incompetence after he found out, and he still hasn't fired him or demoted him. As for Chertoff, our Secretary of Homeland Security is getting all of his info from one guy - Chertoff screwed up just as big, and continues in his job as well.

George Bush is the vice president on 24 who just got appointed president and is clearly way over his head, can't make a decision, and just puts things off.

It's one thing to be loyal to your staff. It's another to countenance outright incompetence while people are dying.

George Bush: A failed president.

Worst. President. Ever.

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