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Where's the conservation?

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Politicians around the country and all scrambling to find ways to cut prices at the pump. Hmmm, last time I checked, conservation is not a dirty word. Instead of feeding money to oil companies and sponging oil from other countries, how about the US starts talking about conservation? Serious conservation and not just a few words because it's clear how cheap talk is with this team. I still have no idea why the IEA and our friends in Europe are diverting strategic reserves to the US when this administration has not shown an inkling of interest in serious energy conservation. It's all about gluttony and lining pockets of friendly special interest groups.

Instead of working on a short term solution how about they spend time on a long term solution. Haven't we already witnessed too many short term solutions to long term problems? When are we ever going to see common goals and sacrifice for a nation that is supposedly at war?

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