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Washington Post editorial outright lies about Bush's hurricane response

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You know, it's one thing for the Washington Post editorial board to become the pro-Bush pro-war shills they became after Katherine Graham died, but it's quite another for one of the nation's (formerly) greatest newspapers to outright lie to the nation in a time of crisis.

To wit, today's editorial:

So far, the federal government's immediate response to the destruction of one of the nation's most historic cities does seem commensurate with the scale of the disaster. At an unprecedented news conference, many members of President Bush's Cabinet pledged to dedicate huge resources to the Gulf Coast. The president's decision to release a part of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to compensate for the loss of Gulf Coast refineries may represent one of the first truly appropriate uses of that facility.
The federal government's immediate response? You mean, President Bush staying on vacation for two more days after the hurricane struck? Bush's "immediate response" was to fly to California and Arizona for two days and talk about Medicare and then try to link Iraq, again, to WWII. The Washington Post just outright lied.

Then the Post notes Bush's "unprecedented news conference." Excuse me? It was a fucking Rose Garden address. Gee, no president has ever done that before. Not to mention, if Bush was serious, why didn't he give a prime time address to the nation? He did that when he wanted to convince the nation Iraq wasn't falling to pieces. But with the hurricane, we get a speech in the Rose Garden. Not to mention, after an entire American city is wiped out, I sure hope the president is going to appear. Have expectations gotten so low that the simple fact that the president actually appears on the third day AFTER a massive disaster somehow makes him eligible for the Nobel Prize?

Then there's the Navy. What the hell was Bush doing sending Navy ships from Norfolk two days AFTER the hurricane struck? Why isn't the National Guard there already? Why didn't Bush call together the cabinet on Monday? The questions go on and on.

But the Washington Post, the NEW Washington Post, will have nothing for the truth. For some reason we haven't been able to figure out, the Washington Post editorial board loves George Bush and will do whatever it can, by whatever means necessary, to help this president whenever they can.

And if that means outright lying to their readers, so be it.

(Hat tip to ItAffectsYou)

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