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So-called fiscal conservatives upset with spending for Katrina survivors

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Silent since 2000, suddenly now that federal aid is going to poor and black Americans, the so-called fiscal conservatives in Congress are upset at the spending to help Katrina survivors. Apparently they've just been released by captors or something because I don't recall hearing much complaining while Bush redefined big government, lavishing his friends with juicy contracts in Iraq and forking over cash for quality folks like Drownie.

So just where the hell have these so-called conservatives been while Washington has been showering the wealthiest Americans with tax breaks, increasing corporate welfare and running up the deficit? Heaven forbid Washington steps in to help vast numbers of poor Americans and not give out more to the wealthiest.

Among those who have protested in these private sessions is Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a fiscal conservative who said his colleagues greeted his suggestion that disaster relief be offset by other cuts with "stone cold silence." He added, "You would have thought I was a Martian."
Yes, besides being garbage, you are also a Martian. Go back to hiding in the hole where you've been the last five years because whining about this after everything your team has blown money on is pretty lame.

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