From Knight Ridder:
Medicare monthly premiums for doctor visits and outpatient care will jump next year from $78.20 to $88.50, federal officials announced Friday.Do you think that maybe it is your job to figure that one out? Or, do you think that perhaps the increased spending for services is because Bush basically wrote the healthcare corporations a big cash-grab bill? He would never do anything like that, would he? And healthcare corporations would never give people tests they don't need because Medicare will pick up the tab, would they? Not possible.
The 13.2 percent increase is lower than last year's record-high 17.4 percent spike, but nevertheless drains more cash from the Social Security checks of Americans 65 and older, from which Medicare premiums typically are drawn.
The Part B deductible will rise to $124 in 2006 from $110 this year.
Medicare premiums are updated annually under a formula set by statute. The law requires that Part B premiums cover 25 percent of the program's costs. The federal government pays the other 75 percent.
Officials aren't sure what's behind the increased spending for services.
Now Seniors, aren't you glad you voted to make sure the homos didn't get a chance to marry?