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The great white fear and the real looters

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From what I've watched on CNN and even somewhat on Fox (can't say about the others) they have been pretty good about making a distinction between so-called looters and survivors. The administration and lackeys like Haley Barbour have struggled to make this distinction and sadly some out there are buying into the "black people are looting" nonsense. For me, this argument is not unlike the traditional race-loaded criticism of welfare recipients that the GOP has always run hard with during campaigns. It's the poor black people who are bilking the system, they like to say, but the reality is different. Sure problems exist, but not to the extent they like to say. Corporate welfare makes anything paid out to welfare recipients look like chump change.

In the post-Katrina situation, sure, we've all seen images of non-essential items being looted but most of the people were trying to survive since Bush's America left them behind to survive on their own. So you tell me, who's the real looter? The survivor or the opportunist? Where's the administration criticism for oil executives who have been scoring record profits recently and now this?

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