Gee, big surprise there.
Sources on the Hill are hearing that the Republicans are going to announce a "bipartisan" bicameral Katrina commission, except, while they are saying its bipartisan and bicameral, they've not told the Senate
Democratic Leadership anything about it, the Democratic Leadership will not be invited to the announcement of the commission.
They don't know yet if there will be equal representation on the committee, who will decide who's on it, or even if the committee will have subpoena power or real congressional authority.
They will have the cameras at the announcment, but will take no questions from reporters (spokespeople will answer all questions later).
This can not pass the laugh test. The Republicans have decided to create a fake commission to give Bush a rubber stamp for all the crimes he's already committed.
Just remember how uncooperative Bush was with the September 11 commission - imagine what kind of stonewalling he'll do with these guys.
This isn't our government anymore.
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GOP to announce fake rubber-stamp commission to investigate Katrina - no Democrats involved
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