Well, that only took almost two weeks and a couple of thousand bodies. Not to mention, what do you mean he's still on the job but moving back to Washington? Either the guy is competent or not. If he's not competent to run the hurricane relief then he's not competent to run FEMA nor work there.
So what is going on? Why is the Bush administration trying to cut the baby in half? Is Brown still on the federal payroll? Is he still the head of FEMA? Is he still having a roll in FEMA at all?
And next let's talk about the liar who heads up Homeland Security, Chertoff, and the liar who heads up DOD's joint chief of staff, Gen. Myers. When are they getting for fired for killing thousands of Americans and losing an entire American city?
Hey, maybe he's coming back to Washington for a medal?
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FEMA's Michael "Drownie" Brown relieved of Katrina duties
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