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FEMA Head Is Being Blasted By EVERYONE -- Not Just Dems

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USA Today has an item in today's paper -- I can't find it online, though. The short piece under Hurricane Roundup on page 5A is titled "FEMA chief rebuffs critics," and is written by Mimi Hall. It says:

Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown rebuffed calls from Democrats for his resignation, saying he serves "totally at the will of the president."
That's funny, because a day earlier Hall contributed to a story about this same controversy that stated accurately:
[FEMA head Michael Brown] doesn't mention the decade he spent as chief rules enforcer for the Arabian Horse Association.

The horse job, which he left in 2000, is now fodder for critics who say Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has botched the Katrina relief operation. Those critics include Republicans, Democrats and newspapers.
Indeed, that article quotes William Kristol of The Weekly Standard -- as conservative as it gets -- blasting Brown and you could also include the New York Post and many others. But in one day the widespread call for the firing of an incompetent hack who cost innocent Americans their lives has morphed into what is implied as a partisan attack by Democrats. Keeping the MSM on its toes is a 24/7 job.

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