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Condi Speaks!

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Condi Rice -- who headed to New York City for a three day vacation AFTER the hurricane struck and who went to a Broadway musical while the flood waters were rising and people were dying -- yes, this Condi Rice cut her vacation short and headed back to DC. And now Queen Condi has deigned to speak to us per the NYT with her concern that people are injecting race into all of this.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in an unusual foray into domestic affairs, sharply disputed any suggestion that storm victims had somehow been overlooked because of their race.... "That Americans would somehow in a color-affected way decide who to help and who not to help - I just don't believe it."
"Color-affected way?" What a bland, annoying, clinical comment. In part, she's right: this isn't about race so much as class. And she has none. More importantly, why did the MSM let Condi speak without immediately asking her "Where the hell have you been?"

Condi should be asked again and again: when are you going to apologize for going on vacation to a splashy Broadway musical comedy AFTER the worst natural disaster in our nation's history? When are you going to apologize for shopping for obscenely expensive Ferragamo shoes when misery and despair was spreading through the Gulf States? Why didn't you want to take part in the efforts to focus help ON YOUR HOME STATE OF ALABAMA? Alabama -- the state where she grew up and where the divide between rich and poor is deep and wide -- was struck viciously and Condi couldn't have cared less. Who are these people?

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