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CNN Interview with General Steven Blum of National Guard

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What an incredible discussion just moments ago on CNN with the Chief of the US National Guard about the Katrina devastation. The General was getting in a bit of bootlicking with the Secretary of Defense (like we need more slaps on the back right now) and talked about getting the job done in a timely manner and the CNN person (don't know the name, sorry) cut him off and said isn't "a timely manner" a bit late after so many days? To paraphrase, the general said that "no, there are still plenty of people still suffering and dying out there."

Uhhhhh, yes. That's the bloody point you moron. They've been dying and suffering for days so sending in troops in a piecemeal fashion like this, a few thousand per day, is not exactly what I would call jumping on the problem you stupid ass.

I'm bracing myself for the Bush fly-by of New Oreleans. I see that he gave Haley Barbour a big hug but let's see how much person-to-person emotion he shows for the citizens of New Orleans.

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