I'm sorry, but maybe this man is qualified to be a Supreme Court judge - maybe - with only two years experience IN HIS LIFE as a judge. But now we're going to appoint him as the new chief justice when he's had no experience as a Supreme Court judge whatsoever, and has only two years experience as a judge at all?!
Of course, this par for the course for Bush. Appoint a horse trainer as head of FEMA, make his deputy some political appointee, annoint a Hill staffer as the head of Homeland Security, and on and on. So it's not a big surprise that the head of the Supreme Court would be a guy with no experience whatsoever for that very job.
But at what point do the Democrats finally call Bush on his hubris and his dangerous flippancy? It's one thing to be unsure on Roberts as a justice - hey, Bush won the election, and short of a Bork, I'm not so sure we can demand Roberts be denied an appointment (we can oppose it, to be sure, but to insist on a fillibuster, etc. is quite another story). But to just let Bush make this guy chief justice when he has no experience and, frankly, we have no idea how he will even be as a justice - for good or bad - that's just insane.
No one, on the right or left, should be accepting this appointment. Roberts could be another Clarence Thomas, just sitting on his ass doing nothing, for all we know. You don't appoint someone to run the ship when he has no experience running the ship, and has never even stepped foot on the ship (at least in this case as a judge).
It's time for the Democrats to grow some spine and do something.
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Appointing Roberts as chief justice is insane
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