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You get fired for having an affair. And, the punishment for torture is?

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Okay, front page in the Washington Post today:

In a rare move, the Army relieved a four-star general of his command amid allegations that he had an extramarital affair with a civilian, Army officials said yesterday.
Now, remind has the Military punished the generals who oversaw torture?:
The Army has been hurt over the past year by detainee-abuse cases and has been accused of not going after top officers allegedly involved in such abuse. Army officials said relieving Byrnes was meant to show the public that the service takes issues of integrity seriously.

"We all swear to serve by the highest ideals, and no matter what rank, when you violate them, you are dealt with appropriately," said one Army officer familiar with the case. "Relief of command is a huge consequence. He's had an extraordinary career, but at the end of the day, the Army has to hold people accountable for their conduct."
So, this is how the Army is dealing with abuse? They hold accountable the guy having an affair, not anyone actually involved in the abuse cases.

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