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Will Roberts Leave You Alone?

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USA Today says it's concerned about Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. It also says a right to privacy -- the right to be left alone, as Justice Brandeis put it -- is a fundamental American right deeply rooted in our nation's history and a deal-breaker. The Supreme Court already has three Justices who don't believe in a right to privacy and it doesn't need a fourth. USA Today says Roberts MUST be asked about a right to privacy and if he's unwilling to uphold 200+ years of legal precendent and a bedrock American principal like the right to be left alone, then he MUST be rejected.

A vast majority of Americans support "the right to be left alone," from hippie liberals to far right conservatives. Most Americans would be deeply troubled by a Supreme Court judge who doesn't agree with such a simple proposition. It's a winning position, a popular position and the right position. Imagine Republican Senators who support Roberts having to defend in 2006 why they don't believe Americans have the right to be left alone. Too bad the Dems can't see this.

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