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What To Do With Europe's Muslims?

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A NYT column in the magazine about Europe's growing and increasingly unhappy Muslim population. Hey, if you don't want to live in a free society that respects the rights of women and infidels and other religions, why did you move to the UK/France/Holland/etc in the first place?

But of course, the most restive members of these communities DIDN'T move there. They were born there. Hence my complaint about this sentence:

But Europeans can hardly accept an immigrant veto over their own mores, whether those mores involve women's rights or, for that matter, the right to blaspheme, which the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh so bravely asserted -- and died for.
What "immigrant veto?" That paints European Muslims as outsiders when, for better or worse, they're part of these communities -- if poorly assimilated. I was born in Bermuda of an American father and Canadian mother, raised in Florida and didn't get US citizenship till I was older and wanted to vote. That makes me more of an "immigrant" than the London bombers, most of whom were born and raised in the UK.

Still, what do you do if a people want to live in your society but don't embrace the values that society stands for?

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