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School Lunches: The Fight Over Fatty Foods

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The long, LONG overdue fight over the junk food available in school cafeterias is heating up, as USA Today shows. The junk food industry of course tries to fob off new "policies" as improvements to keep real change from happening. One change they suggested: offering "sports drinks" (which are loaded down with high fructose corn syrup just like soda) as an option. But kids sitting on their ass in class don't need "sports drinks," as one critic pointed out. Healthy, tasty lunch menus -- no, that doesn't include greasy fries and pizza -- can easily be provided once schools break the chain of those awful food service providers and the bribes from Coke and Pepsi to stock their wares. Schools should ban ALL drinks with high fructose corn syrup, offer 100% juice and water, fresh fruit and vegetables, well-balanced meals and re-institute gym class. Or kids will continue to get fatter and fatter and fatter.

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