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Rove has Bush's "complete confidence"

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In any other administration, a treasonous traitor who outed a covert spy during war time would be in jail. In the Bush administration, the treasonous traitor has the President's complete confidence. Reuters has the story:

President Bush on Monday declared "complete confidence" in his top political adviser, Karl Rove, despite his alleged role in leaking a covert CIA operative's identity, according to an interview.

Federal investigators are trying to determine who outed covert CIA agent Valerie Plame, whose name first appeared in a column by newspaper journalist Robert Novak on July 14, 2003.

"Karl's got my complete confidence. He's a valuable member of my team," Bush said in his strongest defense yet of Rove, the architect of his presidential campaigns.
Wow, complete confidence. What the hell does Rove have on Bush? Or does Bush just realize he can't function without him? Either way, it's a national disgrace, to say the least.

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