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Note to France: Get a real Internet. This is absurd. A developed country that has Internet speeds on DSL of, oh, like 13kb/s. For comparison sake, I have a cable connection in my apartment in DC, and I get around 500kb/s or more. That means my connection is 30 times faster. It's absolutely ridiculous. Another French friend has the same problem. I think some more French people need to visit other countries then come back to France and yell and scream about the crappy service they're getting. This is ridicule.

Ok, I've vented now. Just spent a nice afternoon at the Louvre, but good God is that place large. After a while it's just too much. I was desperately trying to find an exit and bumped into the Venus de Milo and that famous status of Artemis. I think that's honestly the best way to see the Louvre. Shove yourself in the middle of it, then try to get out. You'll see everything.

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