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My latest Radar column: Bush dials 9/11, again

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From Radar:

Welcome to my September 11 flashback.

Like many others who witnessed the attacks four years ago (I watched the Pentagon burn from my DC apartment), the experience left me particularly susceptible to being unnerved by loud noises. I thought I had long gotten over my minibout of post-traumatic stress disorder, but the other night, at the fashionable Paris bistro La Coupole, there was an explosion of breaking dishes just a few feet from my table. As my French date chattered on obliviously, my brain began to numb, the booth closed in around me, and I fought an overwhelming urge to run outside. But being an intrepid traveler on a hot date, I manfully chose to grin and bear it. Within seconds I had broken into a torrent of tears.

At least George Bush’s summer vacation hasn’t been much better.

The president’s record-breaking five-week sabbatical (are we sure he isn’t French?) has been rudely interrupted by the specter of war and terror in the form of a single mourning mother, Cindy Sheehan. Sheehan’s son Casey, 24, was killed last year in Iraq. Mama bear is pissed, blames Bush for her cub’s death, and is taking no prisoners....

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