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A little Parisian open thread

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Ok, it's a lousy cell phone photo, but you get the idea - this is the corner near our place. It's in the 14th, near Montparnasse (this is Blvd. du Montparnasse, and the cafe is La Rotonde, for those in the know).

I was out buying some food and bread and stuff, so wasn't toting my real camera. I did, however, manage to find some tasty treats for the cats - yes, pure bribery. I couldn't quite find any "treats" per se, as it's not clear to me what cats eat as treats - and it's not clear what, anyway, such treats are possibly called in French. So I bought some cans of gourmet cat food, 4 little ones costing 3 bucks total - they include, tuna, salmon and other cat fancies. Just fed each cat a teaspoon of the tuna can, by hand, so they'd be well aware of the hand that feeds them. They ate it right up. I even got a snuggle a few minutes later from Nasdaq, the black one. So, the plan may just be working...

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