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John Roberts Speaks Out On Supreme Court And Abortion...

| Reddit | Tumblr | Digg | FARK July of 2000. "This Week" on Sunday showed clips from an appearance by John Roberts on a local news show discussing the just-ended term of the Supreme Court. Here's the transcript from the Washington Post.

Roberts certainly walked and talked like a far right conservative about the Boy Scouts, school prayer, abortion, etc. He said the term made clear that we DIDN'T have a conservative SCOTUS, despite the fact that 7 of the 9 justices were put in by Republicans. But he also used the phrase "the basic right to an abortion," though doubtless the far right won't get too upset and the far left won't take too much comfort from that.

Stephanopoulus and others dissect his comments thoroughly. My main observation: Roberts is going to make a very calm, cool nominee.

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