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It's beginning to look a lot like Souter...

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To all those far-right religious fundies trying to spin this as "oh, just because John Roberts helped the pro-gay side of a gay rights case doesn't mean he agreed with the gays," to that I reply: Novak! I mean, bullshit!

Let me put it this way. You radical right nuts want Roberts to be just like you. Well, then let me ask you this. If someone asked YOU to volunteer your time, for free, to help out the pro-gay side of a gay rights case, would YOU? I went to law school, and I sure as hell wouldn't help anyone working on YOUR legal cases, pro bono or even for pay. And let's face it, you wouldn't help the gays either. But John Roberts did.

It's beginning to look a lot like Souter... La, la, la, la la.

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