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An intense evening at "The Sandstorm"

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Just got back from the premiere of "The Sandstorm: Stories from the Front." It's a play by an Iraq vet, Sean Huze, which tells the story of the war through the voices of soldiers. The Washington Post did a profile on Huze a couple weeks ago, the first paragraph of which conveys his viewpoint pretty clearly:

It's been a very bad week for the Marines in Iraq, and playwright Sean Huze is taking it personally. "Twenty-one Marines killed in the past 48 hours," he says, his voice rising in anger. "I wonder when we've had enough -- when we as a society will hold this administration accountable for getting us into a war unnecessarily."
The play was very powerful. Emotional. Damn, it was intense.

I give Huze a lot of credit for telling and sharing his story. Too many Americans don't even know anyone in Iraq. The play gives just a glimpse in to their lives. It's playing at MetroStage in Alexandria for those in the DC area.

One other thing it did to me. I really didn't think I could detest George Bush anymore than I already did. But after today, with him invoking 9/11 again, biking on the "Tour de Crawford" but ignoring Camp Casey, then seeing a raw play about the war, I despise the guy even more.

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