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India Moving Closer To A Secular Democracy

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The Supreme Court of India is ready to hear a case challenging the legality of religious courts in one of the world's largest democracies. Hopefully, it will consider them invalid and create one set of laws for all the people of India, regardless of their caste or religion, one set of laws that treats everyone fairly. The case that sparked this review is a doozy:

Under the Constitution, Islamic courts are permitted to rule on such matters as marriage and divorce. A council in a Muslim village in northern India used that power in June to order [a] woman to move in with her father-in-law although he was accused of raping her. She was also ordered to treat her husband as her son, effectively becoming the father-in-law's wife. She refused, and the father-in-law was arrested after rights groups protested. The case has pitted conservative Muslims against Hindu nationalists and women's groups.
Boy, no wonder the far right wants to impose a Taliban of its own in the US -- you can get away with anything!

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