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I am here, I am here, I am here!

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UPDATE: Well, those French may have a word for everything, but they still haven't quite gotten that English thing down. I bought a packet of what was clearly baba ghanoush (or however you spell it). I read the ingredients, it's baba ghanoush. The name in french? Caviar d'aubergines (eggplant caviar, or, well, baba ghanoush).

So what do they call it English in big print on the label? "Vegetarian Liver." I kid you not. (Oh, and the brand is "Ricky's," printed like it's handwritten.) Took me a while to figure out why the French would label something as good as baba ghanoush "vegetarian liver," and then it hit me. Pate is made from liver (well, at least some is). And this is clearly an eggplant pate, so they translated it into, basically, eggplant liver. Get it?

Ah the French.

Am at my friends' apartment in Paris, unpacked (mostly), got my computer set up, and most importantly, ran across the street to the market and now have a big slab of prosciutto and baguette beckoning me to the table. Not much to report - flight went fine, cab went fine, the cats were thrilled to see me (which pretty much means they didn't run upon seeing me, nor did they immediately pee on my clothes).

Anyway, now that I'm online, I'm going to eat something then peruse the news. Next, we see if my Vonage phone actually works here...

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