CJR Daily's Magazine Report gives a preview of an upcoming article in Vanity Fair (which isn't on-line yet) by Michael Wolff who:
manages to find a unique approach to the issue, positing the thesis that the New York Times and Time magazine are complicit in the cover-up of the fudging of intelligence in the prelude to war in Iraq -- in that they knew Rove was the source of the Plame leak intended to discredit Joe Wilson after he called the administration to account.He's right, they did.
Not only that, but both Time and The New York Times...and obviously many other members of the Washington Press Corps....protected Rove and Bush by not revealing this information during the election. Instead, they all dutifully reported how Bush's strength was national security while he was harboring a top aide who undermined national security during war time. No wonder Rove thinks the press are a bunch of patsies.