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George Allen is on the Iraq = Normandy message

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US News finds that for many right wingers, George Allen is the natural successor to George Bush. Many similarities do exist. Southern Governors, goofy smiles, etc.

Also, within the span of 24 hours, they both invoked the D-Day invasion of Normandy as a rationale for Iraq.

Sunday, on NBC News, Allen said of Iraq, "It's somewhat akin to the Normandy Invasion in World War II." I tivo'd the news and had to rewind it a couple times because I thought I misunderstood him. Normandy?

Then, yesterday, in Utah, Bush invoked Normandy, too:

Bush added, "Each of these struggles for freedom required great sacrifice. From the beaches of Normandy to the snows of Korea, courageous Americans gave their lives so others could live in freedom. Since the morning of September the 11th, we have known that the war on terror would require great sacrifice as well."
So, now it's Normandy. Got that?

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