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Bloggers: Younger And Richer. Ain't That Nice?

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A new Nielsen/NetRatings study on the blogs reported by MediaWeek says this:

Nielsen//NetRatings found blog readership has grown 31 percent since the beginning of the year, as blogs attracted 29.3 million visitors in July. About one in five Internet users visit blogs, the research firm said. ComScore Media Metrix, another Internet research firm, last week released a study that found blog readers are younger and more affluent than other Internet users.
Growing by 31%, some 30 million readers and as we know, liberal blogs are kicking the ass of rightwing blogs. Hey, they got cable news and radio, at least we have the Internet.

Most of the article is about RSS, which I don't use and don't really understand either. Any of you on it? As for being more affluent, tell it to my landlady -- she's still waiting for August's rent.

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