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Are you a rat pack Democrat?

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I like it.

We Democrats need to be the tough guys again. We used to be the thick knuckled steel workers, the big burly football fans in the cheap seats, the lunch pail Joe Six Pack with the big heart. We used to have class. We used to be Frank Sinatra with a martini glass and a "don't fuck with me" look in his eye. That's where we need to go. We need to be Rat Pack Democrats again....

it's vowing to never shrink from a junk yard brawl with a Republican carrying a Bible. Get outta here, fuck face. That's what Sinatra would have said. "My buddy Sammy's a Jewish black man...take your crucifix and shove it up your ass." Then he'd go to church on Sunday and roll his eyes at the priest when he started preaching about abortion from the pulpit....Jesus Christ, buddy, get real!

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