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AP profiles Casey Sheehan

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Now, if you are a right wing nut, a la Michelle Malkin, you are already speaking for Casey Sheehan. However, if you are human and have a heart, read this AP profile:

He was an altar boy, an Eagle Scout, a church youth group leader. That is what people remember about Casey Sheehan, the 24-year-old soldier whose death in Iraq has become a flashpoint for debate about the war since his mother began staging a peace vigil outside the president's ranch in Texas.

Among family and friends _ not to mention TV pundits, Internet bloggers and newspaper columnists _ opinions vary about Cindy Sheehan's demand to meet with the president to talk about why the U.S. went to war. Like others, they struggle with whether her determination to bring the war home honors or diminishes his choice to join the Army.

But those who knew the young man she so publicly mourns agree that if anyone is an appropriate face for the war's more than 1,800 U.S. deaths, it is Casey. He had a gentle but firm commitment to family, church and country, re-enlisting after the war started and volunteering for the rescue mission in which he and six others were killed last year.
Kinda gives you the sense that Casey was a good kid who was very close to his mother. Imagine that. His mother might have a better sense of what her son would have liked than Malkin, O'Reilly and the rest of that crowd.

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