comsc US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Amb. Joe Wilson reports that he is "becoming disenchanted" with CIA agent Valerie Plame, since her identity was divulged
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Amb. Joe Wilson reports that he is "becoming disenchanted" with CIA agent Valerie Plame, since her identity was divulged

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From the Onion - the best news source this side of Jon Stewart:

WASHINGTON, DC—Former ambassador Joe Wilson reports that he is "becoming disenchanted" with CIA agent Valerie Plame, since her identity was divulged to reporters in 2002. "I still love her, I suppose," Wilson said. "But I used to be the only one who knew her secret." Contributing to his sense of dissatisfaction, Wilson said, is Plame's newfound interest in public displays of affection, her habit of calling him from work, and her fear of violent reprisals from undercover Middle Eastern assassins.

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