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2006 Races: Repub. Senators in Blue States

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Associated Press covers two Senate races, today: Rhode Island and Pennsylvania. Both states have Republican Senators running for re-election. Both states voted for Gore and Kerry.

Rhode Island:

The 2006 Senate race in the nation's smallest state is on track to be the most expensive in Rhode Island history. Two Democrats with statewide profiles are lining up to run against Chafee and a Republican is mulling a primary challenge.

"He's popular, but he's a Republican representing a Blue State," said Brown University political scientist Darrell West. "People are going to have to decide if they want a Republican who often votes with the Democrats, or a real Democrat."
Chafee attracts a lot of support from progressive groups because of his positions on issues like choice and the environment. Bottom line is that his seat is one the Democrats should have. And, Chafee continues to cast votes for nominees like John Bolton and Janice Rogers Brown. That should be enough.

"This is going to be a race that's going to be viewed as a national referendum. This is a nationalized Senate race," said David Thornburgh, executive director of the Pennsylvania Economy League, Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Rick Santorum has to lose. We could go on and on about how extreme -- and, amazingly obsessed with gay sex -- Santorum is.

This is going to be a battle:
Santorum has said he expects to raise $25 million for the campaign. Between April and June, he raised $3.6 million and reported $5.7 million cash on hand. Casey reported raising $1.9 million in the period, and had $1.6 million cash on hand.

People who have written Santorum off underestimate what a tough campaigner he is, said Robert Maranto, a political science professor at Villanova University

"It's funny how many people have told me the race is over. It's a year out. It's way out," Maranto said. "Santorum is one of those guys like Bill Clinton, like Richard Nixon, who will do anything to win."
Defeating Santorum has to be a top priority next year.

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