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Who asked for the State Dept. memo?

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Here's something to chew on over night....It's just part of one sentence in the NY Times article about the State Department report that stands out:

It is not clear who asked for the memo...
Who indeed...we all want to know. Had to be someone pretty high up. And, key to know that the Wilson/Plame memo had been kicking around for almost a month before Rove's July 8th call with Novak and his July 11th call with Cooper:
The memo was dated June 10, 2003, nearly four weeks before Mr. Wilson wrote an Op-Ed article for The New York Times in which he recounted his mission and accused the administration of twisting intelligence to exaggerate the threat from Iraq. The memo was written for Marc Grossman, then the under secretary of state for political affairs, and it referred explicitly to Valerie Wilson as Mr. Wilson's wife, according to a government official who reread the memo on Friday.

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