I mean, we always knew he was a Scientologist, but he was kind of a closet Scientologist. Now he's an activist Scientologist, and it's getting kind of creepy in a Michael Jackson kind of way (i.e., he was such a nice boy back when he was normal, and now...). To wit: His recent attack on Brooke Shields. I knew Cruise went all bat-shit on Matt Lauer recently, but didn't realize that during the same interview he'd publicly attacked Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants after suffering from post partum depression.
It's too bad. Cruise is now in that category of stars I really can't watch without all the negative stuff coming into my head (e.g., Russell Crowe and that other idiot, what's his name, oh yeah, Mel Gibson).
Shields responded with an op ed in today's NYT. Good for her. Here's her op ed, and here's more on the story.
And PS, as someone who has had the misfortune of talking to Scientologists leafletting on the streets of DC, Cruise's bat-shit behavior is all too familiar. They're all sugar and spice until you say one word of disagreement, then...
Cruise has been assimilated.
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Too bad about Tom Cruise going over to the dark side
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