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The Rove Challenge

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As Atrios points out, both the Democrats and the media face challenges with the Rove scandal:

The fact is the Democrats really are, on their own, unable to create a sustained political shitstorm (though they of course could be better at it if they tried a bit harder). Absent the center-right mainstream media deciding to sustain an issue on its own, it just won't happen. This story, in so many ways, is about them - about how their confidential sourcing was abused to smear political opponents, how they've been carrying water for the lies of Scotty and Karl, and their overall gullibility.
Democrats do need to try harder. We need to use this scandal to grow our echo chamber. This can't be a one press release campaign from the Hill. There needs to be an on-going noise machine. We have to uncover Rove as the toxic, treasonous traitor that he is. Karl Rove has to become untouchable in American role in the Supreme Court nomination, no role in the 06 elections, no role in 08. But that only happens when with a sustained, hard ball effort. This time, we need to play to win.

For the press, they have to decide if they are the patsies Rove thinks they are. Today, was a good first step. But they have to remember...they have been lied to by the White House. And, everyone knows it. Now is the time to change the dynamic. Let's see if they can rise to the occasion.

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