Lawrence O'Donnell has another challenge for Team Rove over at the Huffington Post. Since Karl's lawyer is all over the press, O'Donnell has a three real questions for him:
Q: You’ve said Rove is not a target of the investigation. Is he a subject of the investigation?He also a very good explanation of why these questions and their answers are key. It sure is fun to watch Rove being challenged. Imagine if the MSM knew how to do this, and not always end up as Karl's patsies.
Q: Since Time delivered its e-mails to the prosecutor on Friday, have you asked the prosecutor whether Rove’s status has changed? From witness to subject? Or subject to target?
Q: You told Newsweek that your client “never knowingly disclosed classified information.” Did Rove ever unknowingly disclose classified information?
UPDATE 10:36 p.m. Just saw O'Donnell being interviewed on Aaron Brown. He said that the special prosecutor is probably beyond the leak investigation and onto a perjury investigation. The prosecutor has repeatedly said that the focus of his investigation has shifted. Also, O'Donnell thinks that Rove could lose his job over this, but thought he was too smart for perjury. Hmmm.