Like that other annoying Blue State Governor Mitch Romney of Mass., Robert Ehrlich of Maryland is sucking up to the extremists in the GOP. While Romney is sticking to anti-choice and gay bashing, Ehrlich is raising cash at the well known racist Elkridge Club, where they prefer their African-Americans to serve the drinks, not sit in their club.
When questioned about his cash festival at one of the most racist institutions in the state, Ehrlich barked at the reporter to "get his facts straight before coming to us" so I guess he's going to come back and apologize now that it is Ehrlich who has his facts wrong.
We're waiting for that apology or you can always drag your feet on it because Maryland really isn't much of a Democratic state nor is the African-American vote very important there. Good luck in that campaign.
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Maryland GOP governor holds fund-raiser at racist club
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