More radical right Christian fundamentalist organizations are now embracing the known hate group, Family Research Institute, and its lead "doctor" Paul Cameron.
As you may recall, Cameron was kicked out of medical professional societies twent years ago for being a quack, and just this year the Southern Poverty Law Center labeled his organization, the Family Research Institute, a "hate group." Other hate groups that SPLC monitors include the Klan, white supremacists, and more.
It is therefore with some surprise that the lead radical right groups continue to embrace Cameron, the leader of a known hate group. One lead radical right group that is now promoting the Menegele-esque studies of this known hate group is the Center for Reclaiming America, run by radical right leader D. James Kennedy. and Catholic World News have also embraced Cameron and his hate group.
Other right-wingers who have now decided to spread the bigotry of hate groups to attack minorities include:
- American Family Association's "AgapePress"
- The Conservative Voice
- Christian News Wire
- Illinois Family Institute, run by Peter LaBarbera, a former employee of both the Family Research Council and the Concerned Women for America.
Any minority who even thinks these groups are on their side need only read up on who their friends are. These so-called "Christians" embrace hate groups, and the FRC's own president was involved in a scandal with former racist Klansman David Duke.
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Lead radical right Christian activists embraces known hate group
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