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Condi Rice Stumbling In Asia

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Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice can't seem to get her footing in Asia. She's the first Sec of State to snub the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations convention in more than 20 years. It may be for a positive reason -- our wanting to distance ourselves from the oppressive regime of Myanmar. But all it's done is offend our vital allies in the region. And of course Rice can't get on her high horse about refusing to deal with the cruel and corrupt gov't of Myanmar aka Burma because Bush cozies up to cruel and corrupt govts all over the world.

Then, when South Korea achieved a minor breakthrough by offering to provide massive amounts of electricity to North Korea in a bold gesture, Rice undercuts their achievement by taking credit for it.

While some Asian officials, and even some administration officials, say they believe that South Korea's surprise offer last month to wipe away the North's energy problems broke the stalemate, Ms. Rice played down its significance. She portrayed it as an elaboration of the offer that the United States made during the last negotiating session, in June 2004.
Thanks, Condi!

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