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America's Taliban, the fundamentalist Christian hate groups, now have cousins across the sea - the Tory Taliban

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From the Guardian:

The crowded field for the Tory leadership contest starts to thin today with Alan Duncan, one of the Conservatives' most socially liberal figures, dropping out of the race.

In a forceful article in the Guardian, Mr Duncan claims "the moralising wing" of his own party treat "half our own countrymen as enemies". He dubs this group the "Tory Taliban" and warns that if unchecked it will condemn the party to oblivion.

Mr Duncan argues that the party repels too many of its natural supporters, still communicates amateurishly, and should be shamed by the absence of a single Muslim MP in its ranks. The party's social attitude, he says, has been its achilles heel....

The first openly gay Tory MP, Mr Duncan combines a quick wit, sharp communications skills and a determination to rid the party of the social censoriousness that leaves so many in turn disapproving of the Tories.
Interesting that religious right hate groups are dooming conservatives in England just as in America.

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