Mommy, the homosexual was mean to me.
From the religious right anti-gay hate group, Concerned Women for America:Ever since U.S. Special Counsel Scott Bloch tried last year to uphold the law regarding federal employees’ civil rights by omitting a category never approved by Congress, the homosexual lobby has been working to discredit him.
As always, let's clear a few things up.
The campaign heated up this week when John Aravosis, who unsuccessfully harassed Vice President Dick Cheney during the election last year over Mr. Cheney’s lesbian daughter Mary Cheney, announced that he was going after Mr. Bloch. Peppered with obscenity, Aravosis’ Web site often denounces pro-family groups and politicians who won’t bend to the homosexual agenda. For example, here is Mr. Aravosis addressing Ford Motor Company, which some pro-family groups are boycotting over its recent pro-homosexual activism:These are hate groups, they know one thing: hate. They exist for one thing: hate. They will not stop attacking you until you become as bigoted and hateful as they.
Aravosis also refers to pro-family groups as “pigs” and “sick pseudo-religious [obscene term]s.”
After Mr. Bloch’s appearance on May 24 at a Senate panel, Mr. Aravosis posted a series of obscenities against Mr. Bloch and the Bush administration.
1. If we "unsuccessfully" went after Mary Cheney last year then why are you writing about it?
2. Peppered with obscenity? Oh, nothing as obscene as you people calling yourself "pro-family" and "Christian."
3. These are hate groups. And they won't stop until every company and politician and citizen of this country turns against gays. When is the last time they ever had anything good and loving and Christian to say about anyone who was gay or a Democrat? For people who talk a lot about Christ they sure don't sound like him.
4. They are pigs, and they are sick pseudo-religious fucks (though I can't recall if I wrote that, or if Joe, David or Chris did - though I think they'd agree). And they forgot un-American, anti-American, America's Taliban, bigots, quasi-religious, and much more I can't recall. But glad to see it's getting their goat.
Feel free to chime in in the comments for any other appelations I've forgotten for these vicious bigots.
QUICK UPDATE: Well, it was me that called these bozos sick pseudo-religious fucks. Here's the rest of what I wrote:The religious right hate groups are now boycotting Ford Motor Company because, among other reasons, Ford offers benefits to its gay and lesbian employees and actively recruits gays.
And finally, at least no one is getting killed because of my language. How many religious right hate groups can claim that?
THIS is what we were trying to tell Microsoft. These pigs aren't attacking you because you endorse pro-gay legislation. They're attacking you, and will continue to attack you, until you revoke your pro-gay INTERNAL policies and until you actively discriminate against gay and lesbian employees.
These are hate groups, they know one thing: hate. They exist for one thing: hate. They will not stop attacking you until you become as bigoted and hateful as they.
My point: Microsoft, you did the right thing, not just because it's the right thing, but because these sick pseudo-religious fucks wouldn't have left you alone until you fired every single gay employee.
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Uh oh. Now the men at the Concerned Women for America are mad at me too
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