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Ohio's Coin-gate's Tom Noe and Karl Rove...and Arnold

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Can't overlook this little tidbit from yesterday's Toledo Blade:

During the campaign, Mr. Noe had frequent contact with Karl Rove, the architect of Mr. Bush’s re-election bid. Mr. Bush numerous times during the campaign visited Ohio, which turned out to be the pivotal state on Election Day.
Today, from the Toledo Blade, we learn Arnold won't give his Noe money back. Yeah, it's more important for the multi-millionaire actor, married to a multi-millionaire newscaster to hold on to that $10,000. Means more to them than injured workers in Ohio:
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger terminated any efforts to get him to return $10,000 that Toledo-area coin dealer Tom Noe contributed to his campaign...."The allegations about Mr. Noe became public a year after we accepted his contribution," said Martin Wilson, a spokesman for Mr. Schwarzenegger. "As he was an active Ohio Republican Party fund-raiser and donor, we had no reason at the time to question his contribution and have no intention of refunding the money."

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