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Mugabe defends recent attacks on poor

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What Mugabe refers to as a "cleanup campaign to restore sanity" others might refer to as tyranny, murder and starvation. The Mugabe thugs are fearful of a wide scale revolt and are telling locals to leave the cities and go back to the country. Hmm, now that might be tricky since they have no money, no food and the buses have no fuel but why let reason get in the way?

Thankfully China has been selling new military equipment such as troop deployment helicopters and military jets to Zimbabwe which makes it easier for Mugabe to send his troops around the country at minutes notice. Maybe it's time that somebody sticks a fork in the "quiet diplomacy" strategy and gets serious about saving the general population and not the corrupt leadership.

This crackdown has creepy links to Pol Pot and Year Zero though the people have not yet been forced by gun to the country, yet.

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