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More Pharmacists Insisting THEY Will Decide What Medicine You Can Buy

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This is going to get worse and worse.

An Illinois pharmacist is suing because he doesn't want to have to fill prescriptions provided by a doctor that he disapproves of. In short: no birth control and no emergency contraceptives. (At least, to start with.) It offends his religious sensibilities. He owns pharmacies in two towns and it's exactly what you'd fear: Morrison, Illinois has about 4,500 people and Prophetstown (love the name) has about 2000. So he may be close to the ONLY game in town when it comes to getting a legal prescription filled.

It offends his religious sensibilities, of course. The ruckus here is mostly over the morning-after pill -- I needn't point out that the morning after pill can PREVENT pregnancy, meaning this pharmacist would be forcing a woman who got raped to get pregnant and therefore increasing abortions. Lovely.

And why stop there. Doesn't it offend his religious sensibilities to sell condoms to adults who aren't married? What about adults who are married but are of different races? We KNOW it would offend his sensibilities to sell condoms to a gay couple.

Sorry, but if you want to be a pharmacist, you can't deny medicine to people because you don't approve of them or the medicine they're buying, any more than a real estate agent can refuse to sell a home to black people or atheists. No one is trying to tell this fool how to behave in his own personal life. Why is he trying to make his own morality the law of the land?

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