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Chicago Trib editorial blasts GOP Senators for not supporting anti-lynching resolution

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The conservative Chicago Tribune editorial page, in America's 3d largest city. Not too shabby. Again, this is why it's important to hammer on these "insignificant" issues.

Remember how this story began. I saw an ABC News broadcast Monday night, noticed a small mention of how some 12 or more Senators didn't want to support the resolution, and then didn't see any mention of this "controversy" in any other media. With a concerted blogger effort of me, Atrios, Kos, Chris Geidner, Steve Gilliard and I'm sure other bloggers I'm missing, we made this a story. That helped the resolution get more cosponsors, which helps further tolerance, and that's obviously a good thing. We also hurt the Republicans, and that's a good thing.

Speaking up matters. The "little issues" matter. This is why I'm always harping about issues that some folks think are not worthy. They become worthy with just a bit of effort, and luck.

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