This, among other reasons, is why I'm friends with Andrew. He is a smart, genuinely kind guy, and on occasion his politics just might not piss you off :-) Seriously, Andrew is spot-on with his analysis of the right-wing's crocodile tears over Durbin's criticism of Gitmo.
DURBIN SAID NOTHING WRONG: I've now read and re-read Senator Dick Durbin's comments on interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay. They are completely, perfectly respectable. ... I'm just amazed that some can view what has happened and their first instinct is to attack those who have criticized it, rather than those who have perpetrated it. It is this administration that has brought indelible shame on America, and it's people like Dick Durbin who prove that some can actually stand up against this stain on American honor and call it what it is. Good for him. Thank God for him.(Via, of all places, Atrios)