Big surprise. The Air Force Academy has just issued its report on the evangelical bigots running wild in the institution, and you'll be very surprised to find out that the report concludes that there is "no overt religious discrimination" at the Academy!
Of course, that might come as a surprise to the cadets who were told by a campus chaplain that they would "burn in the fires of hell" if they weren't born-again Christians. Or the Jewish cadets who were told they killed Jesus.
Even weirder, the report did fault the academy for "failing to accomodate minority beliefs." Huh? What the hell does that mean? Since when is NOT being a born-again proselytizer a "minority belief"? Not to mention, the issue here isn't accomodating minority beliefs, it's telling the evangelical hate crowd to shut the F up and stop harassing students who aren't fundamentalists like this were the Taliban's Air Force Academy.
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Air Force Academy basically covers up evangelical bigotry
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