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African Union demanding end to cotton and agriculture subsidies

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Uh oh, who forgot that the US and EU only like free trade when it means they are able to freely give subsidies to their farmers? Oh dear, I see trouble ahead on this one. Western leaders love to talk about free trade and demand that poor countries "pick themselves up with their bootstraps, blah, blah, blah" but the reality is we're shoveling out so much welfare for farmers, often multi-multi millionaire farmers who in the US just happen to vote Republican, I don't see our flowery talk matching actions. Who really thinks that the GOP will abandon those wealthy farmers in the US and I don't see the French government backing off their own subsidies either.

Agriculture is one of the leading possibilities for African trade yet the US and EU have shown limited interest in helping Africa pick itself up and actively participate in trade. Live 8 is a great start to getting serious about the problems in Africa and even though the money will be limited, it's an important project to raise awareness of the daily problems. The challenge will be continuing the debate and maintaining the pressure on the west to truly open up trade and end the neo-colonial structures that continues to exist in Africa.

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