The 40,000-word mega mess and sad excuse for a constitution tanked last night and today or tomorrow we're probably going to see Chirac do what all brave politicians do which is to sack his Prime Minister rather than step down himself. The current PM Raffarin was chosen to be Chirac's poodle because Chirac has been running scared over Sarkozy (surely the next President in France) for a few years now. The replacement PM rumor is for Dominique de Villepin to take the position which will probably infuriate the French even more since Villepin epitomizes the French/European ruling class. Villepin has always held power by appointment and is not elected.
Ultimately the problem with this constitution is that it has been trying to be all things to all people so every country reads into it what they want to read into it and perhaps everybody is right and everybody is wrong. Even many of the "non" voters believe in Europe (there's really no alternative) but there's a strong undercurrent of resentment about the Euro-ruling class jamming decisions through without consultation to the voters.
Chirac has so completely bungled this process I will be amazed if he can hold off until 2007 for the elections. He is so incredibly unpopular and he took for granted a "oui" vote and only reacted in the final weeks. His last minute brainstorm to bring in Gerhard Schroeder and other foreign leaders to promote the "oui" vote was even worse than Kerry's talk of foreign leaders who supported him. Chirac actually brought in these foreign leaders to speak in front of crowds which had to hurt him in the final days of the campaign.
So where now? Beyond a government shuffle, who knows? The EU is the only choice moving forward but it's hard to say where this will al go. Somewhere in the 40,000 word document is a pile of mushy-worded nothingness that gives some wiggle room for possible changes and of course there's always the possibility of another vote on the constitution. It's going to happen but it will be later rather than sooner. With the Dutch prepared to vote "no" as well on Wednesday changes will have to come.
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So where does the EU Constitution go now?
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